Photos by Tori Bennett
For our American friends, let me explain that Boxing Day is
a Canadian holiday; it’s the day after Christmas. I assume it got its name
because it’s the day you box up all the Christmas decorations. For me, Boxing Day
has always been a little melancholy.
For weeks, as a child, I anticipated Christmas with daydreams
about what would be under the tree — the gifts would be piled high, relatives would visit and we’d eat
like kings. But then Christmas would come and go and it would be Boxing
Day, signaling the end of the delicious anticipation. We’d have to pack up the
decorations, eat stale shortbread and wait almost a whole year for next
That’s how I feel right now.

But yesterday the realization set in: It’s over. For a whole
year. The summer is done.
I think of the months of anticipating the summer. I couldn’t
wait to visit family in Bracebridge and Ottawa and friends in Guelph. And as
for camp, I imagined dreamy worship, sweet sisterhood, giddy program moments
and breathtaking beauty in people and creation.
There’s just something about that place. People get healed,
inside and out. The Holy Spirit loves to come and play. I always imagine Jesus
in torn jeans, an old T-shirt and Birkenstocks, traipsing about Girls’ Camp smiling
at the beater-boarders, laughing during campfires and Late Shows, sitting beside the crafters,
chuckling at the zaniness of wide games, holding hurting girls in his arms.
This summer, I saw bodies healed, souls restored and spirits
awakened through the power and presence of God in community. I saw eyes light
up as people heard the still, small voice of God for the first time. I saw
girls from broken families find hope as they fell in love with Jesus. I saw
young women who had experienced sad and terrible things discover joy in the presence of the Holy
Spirit. I saw girls who had loved and served Jesus for years grow in identity and anointing and passion for Christ.
I felt the Father rejoice over deepening intimacy with Him and each
Then there were the funny moments, the times I doubled over because of the wackiness of the jokes and the antics and the made-up songs. So much joy.
I wish I wrote down more of those moments in my journal. I wish I had taken more pictures. Even now, the memories are fading.
There’s nothing like it. It is like Heaven on earth. And it’s grueling, exhausting and surreal at times.
Although the summer being over feels like Boxing Day, soon
it will be New Year’s. Soon we’ll be in Redding for the start of a new year of
school. There’s much more of God’s presence and power to look forward to, as
well as fun family times and parties with friends from all over the world. God's mercies and blessings are new every morning. He has more than I can ask or imagine in store. He always fills my hands with more blessings than I can hold.
for now, I will mourn the passing of another
wondrous summer.
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